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The Brighton Festival Children's Parade 2024

1 minute read

Brighton Festival Children's Parade

Is there a better use of wet strength tissue paper than massive willow structures?

And is there a better example of this than the Children's Parade that kicks of the famous Brighton Festival?

Produced by the community art company Same Sky, the Children's Parade is a celebration of community spirt, creativity and the talents of the young people of Brighton

This year the parade featured over 65 local schools and community groups made up of over 5000 children.

Each year the theme changes and in 2024 it was inspired Frank Cottrell-Boyce's chosen theme of "Dream Again".

Schools and community groups spend weeks preparing for the event, creating vibrant and imaginative costumes and displays.

Along with Same Sky, local artists and organizations often collaborate with schools to help with the creative process.

The colourful fun structures that are paraded through the streets are made of willow sticks covered with wet strength tissue paper. 

The structures range from large elaborate ideas such as Turtles * Pigs, to smaller simpler structures such as seagulls that children can hold as the parade along the route in Brighton.

Check out our video of the 2024 Children's Parade!



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